Act with Honesty, Integrity, & Trustworthiness


To preserve and foster the public’s trust and confidence, complete honesty and fairness is required in conducting internal
and external business. It’s important that every Wells Fargo team member understands that the honesty, trust, and
integrity essential for meeting the highest standards of corporate governance are not just the responsibility of senior
management or boards of directors. We all share that responsibility. Corporate ethics is the sum total of the ethical
decisions that all of us make every day.
To have integrity, one must be consistently honest and trustworthy in everything one does. When you have integrity,
people know that you will do what you know is right. And that aligns with how we define “culture” at Wells Fargo. It’s
knowing what you have to do without someone telling you to do it. It is the core of a person’s — and a company’s —

Company Information

Honesty and fairness require that team members provide accurate and complete information in dealings with customers
and others. We will communicate with candor, and each team member will deal fairly with Wells Fargo customers, vendors,
competitors, and other team members. You may never take unfair advantage of another through manipulation,
concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other intentional unfair-dealing
Wells Fargo is committed to full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in public reports and documents filed
with, or submitted or provided to, the Securities and Exchange Commission, regulatory authorities, stockholders, and the
public. Wells Fargo & Company’s financial statements and reports must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles and fairly present, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of Wells

Accurate Records

You are responsible for preparing and maintaining accurate records to the best of your knowledge and retaining business
records in compliance with applicable regulations, law, and Wells Fargo’s record retention policies. All business
transactions, including team member expense reporting, must be properly and accurately recorded in a timely manner on
Wells Fargo’s books and records and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, legal requirements, and Wells
Fargo’s system of internal controls. Falsification of any company or personal information that you provide is prohibited.
Falsification refers to knowingly misstating, altering, adding information to, or omitting or deleting information from a
Wells Fargo record or system which results in something that is untrue, fraudulent, or misleading.


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